Civil Processes

Attorney Igor V.Grekhov is your faithful assistant in solving complex legal issues. Experience and responsibility are the main components of his work. Many years of successful practice in the field of jurisprudence, a thorough knowledge of domestic legislation and the best ways to solve even the most difficult tasks are important components of the success of a civil lawyer.

Services of a lawyer in civil cases

The services of a lawyer in civil matters include:

· Advising on legal issues and issuing certificates (written and oral).

· Compilation of various kinds of legal documents (statements, petitions, complaints and others).

Representation in civil proceedings in the world court, courts of general jurisdiction (district courts, regional court, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) both individuals and individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

· Representation of a civil plaintiff in criminal cases, as well as in cases of administrative offenses.

· Representation of interests in public authorities, tax authorities, local government, public organizations and other associations.

· Mediation in dealing with government agencies and non-governmental organizations of foreign countries.

· Representation in the course of executive litigation, with the bailiff service, etc.

· Provide any other legal assistance that is not prohibited by federal law.

What kind of procedural actions can a lawyer do in civil cases?

The services of your full representative involve the implementation of a wide range of procedural actions on your behalf. In particular, the lawyer has the right:

· To get acquainted with the materials of the case, to make an extract of information in any volumes.

· To make copies of documents relevant to the case.

· State the challenges.

· Present evidence, investigate them.

· Provide questions to other persons involved in the case (as well as experts and specialists).

· To file motions (including about demanding evidence).

· Give explanations either orally and in writing.

· Provide arguments on various issues arising during litigation.

• To object to the motions and arguments of other participants in the case.

· Appeal to court orders.

In civil cases, a representative of the interests of the principal may have a number of other rights. In particular, a lawyer may be empowered to sign a statement of claim, present a counterclaim, conclude a settlement agreement or appeal against a judge's decision. The list of services of a lawyer in civil cases can also include the receipt of the awarded property. However, all of the above should be stipulated in advance in the power of attorney.

The cost of the services of the lawyer Igor V. Grekhov for civil cases is from 20 000 rubles, by agreement with the client, depending on the complexity of the case, time and effort.

If you needed the help of Igor Viktorovich Grekhov's lawyer for civil cases, call: +7 913 110 75 00

* It is possible to represent your interests remotely, via videoconferencing.